Samstag, 23. August 2014
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TeamSpeak 3 apk download free full Android cracked

TeamSpeak 3 apk download free full Android cracked

Downloade TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked gratis.

Heute könnt ihr euch die modifizierte App TeamSpeak 3 kostenlos herunterladen.

Dabei handelt es sich um die hacked full Version und nicht um eine kostenlose free Version.

Im unteren Downloadbereich findet ihr die Apk Datei und die ggf. notwendigen SD-Files/ obb-Daten zum Download.

Technische Beschreibung

App: TeamSpeak 3
2.3.3 oder höher Appversion:
Kategorie: Kommunikation Größe: 14M


7.913 insgesamt
5 4.725
4 1.579
3 692
2 290
1 627


With a client rebuild from scratch the programmers of TeamSpeak 3 close the gap and bring you the ultimate TeamSpeak feeling to your Android device. Many client and admin features have been implemented to give our users the best TeamSpeak experience ever on Android. The most important ones:

-Server-, channel-, and private chats
-Automated away status on incoming phone calls
-Creating and managing channels
-Administration of user features: moving, banning, kicking, complaining, blocking, etc.

Please visit our forums for a more detailed list of features.
Stay connected with your friends, team mates, family and get your TeamSpeak3 client for Android now.


  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail
  • TeamSpeak 3 apk cracked download - screenshot thumbnail

Neue Funktionen
Added Android L support


SD-/OBB Files

TeamSpeak 3 apk download free full Android cracked

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